Law Office of Anton J. Nace

Anton J. Nace, Attorney at Law


My Story, My Promise

My name is Anton Nace, but most of my clients and those who know me call me Tony. It's hard to believe that I am closing in on 20 years of practicing law locally, but as would be expected when you enjoy what you are doing, time does fly. I began my career as a prosecutor with the Office of the State Attorney in both Orange and Osceola Counties and, for the past 14 years, I have been a criminal defense attorney serving the Orlando and Central Florida community. For the last 10 years, I have been a partner in one of Orlando’s premier criminal defense firms and I am extremely proud of the work done and results obtained for my clients during that time.

That said, so much has changed in the practice of law from when I first began. The way we access, receive and process information is completely different than it was when I started practicing law. Likely the most significant change may be in the way we contact and communicate with each other. Text, email, smartphones, social media, face time, etc.--there is literally no end to our ability to communicate with each other instantaneously and at anytime of day or night. This reality got me to thinking about the way traditional law firms and law offices operate and I could not escape one simple conclusion: most law offices are stuck in the past and there is a better way to serve my clients. Ask yourself these questions and see if you agree.

  • If I or a loved one get arrested, do I want to wait until regular business hours before I find out what to do or what to expect?
  • If I have a question about my case, do I want to talk to a legal assistant or directly to the lawyer who has handled thousands of criminal cases and who will actually be the one standing next to me in court?
  • If I can’t leave work during regular business hours should I have to wait until my day off to talk to my attorney?
  • If I need to leave my attorney an important message, do I want to leave it with a receptionist and hope my lawyer gets it and it was relayed accurately or do I want to cut out the “middle man?”

I am sure I can come up with dozens more examples, but I think you get the point. The old way of doing business just doesn’t work and there is a better way. People should be able to talk to their lawyer not their lawyer’s staff. People should be able to reach their lawyer when they need to not when the clock says its ok. We have all this technology that the traditional law offices and the legal community don’t seem to fully utilize. My answer to this realization has been to open up my own office with one simple goal:

I want to bring all of my years of experience directly to the client. I want all of my clients to talk directly to me whether their question is big or small. I want my clients to meet directly with me and not my staff. I want my client’s to get the information and answers they need as quickly as possible. In short, I want to take give my clients as close to real time access as is possible. After all, my clients are trusting me with their cases, their futures and, in some situations, their lives. The least I can do is set up a system of representation where, whether by text, phone or email, my clients do not spend unnecessary time waiting for answers or stressing about the unknown. Being charged with a criminal case is a stressful and scary enough proposition. Allowing the client to hear everything about his or her case directly from your lawyer is one way I can make your journey through the system less intimidating and less stressful.


  1. All my clients will have my office number, my cell number and email so you can call, text, or email me whenever the need arises.
  2. I will return messages, all messages, myself personally as quickly as possible and not have your call returned by support staff or interns.
  3. I will work diligently and tirelessly to get you the best possible result to resolve your case.
  4. I will return messages, all messages, myself personally as quickly as possible and not have your call returned by support staff or interns; and
  5. I will always give you my honest assessment of your case as well as the risks and rewards associated with whatever course of action we consider.

In Closing. . .

I must say that I am excited about my firm and the idea of practicing law in a more accessible way for my clients. I truly believe this greater and more open line of communication, when coupled with the litigation and trial skills I have honed over nearly two decades of practice, will benefit all of my clients moving forward. I am in a unique position to offer a combination of the knowledge and experience of a larger firm with the individual and direct contact of a solo practitioner, and I welcome the opportunity to put this experience to work for you. I thank you for your consideration and if you or a loved one is charged with a crime in Orange, Seminole, Osceola, Volusia, Lake, Polk or Brevard County, I would be honored to fight on your behalf.

- Anton “Tony” Nace

Separation Bar

If you have been arrested or charged with a criminal offense, speak to an experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible.

Call 407.720.6070 today to about your Criminal Defense Legal Needs.